Mailing Lists |
Welcome! Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list. If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact |
List | Description |
Access-L | Discussion about accessibility; ability and disability issues; ableism |
Addictions-Ministry | For discussion of Addiction Ministry efforts and accomplishments within our denomination. |
BCdist-L | Ballou Channing District Electronic Mailing List |
Church-admin-uu | UU Church Administrators-AUUA Members |
CSW-l | Learn about and participate in the UUA social witness process |
EEP-CWG | Discussion list for members of the UU Mass Action Certified Working Group on Economic Equity in Politics |
EthicalEating-Network | Forum for discussing |
Euu-l | List for European UU Matters |
Faircomp | CLOSED List for the District Compensation Consultants |
Interim-guild | Individuals who are in the Accredited Interim Ministry program of the UUA |
LREDA-L | Liberal Religious Educators Association Members |
Lredasmall | For members of LREDA small |
Mbd-ministers-L | MBD Ministers Unofficial |
Memb-l | Discussion of UU membership and growth issues |
Owl-adult | Trained and approved UU facilitators and trainers of OWL Young Adult and Adult. |
Owl-child | Trained and approved UU facilitators and trainers of OWL K-1/4-6 (Elementary). |
Owl-l | Trained and approved UU facilitators and trainers of OWL 7-9/10-12 (Secondary). |
Pcd-uuma-chat | CLOSED: chat list for PCD UU Ministers' Association chapter members |
Peacemaking-network | Forum on the Creating Peace SOC GA 2010 |
Policygovernance-l | Policy Governance model of board governance in UU congregations |
Recredentialing-l | Religious Education Credentialing - closed list |
sksmstudents | Closed List for Currently Enrolled Starr King School for the Ministry Students |
Swuuc-lreda | LREDA - SWUUC chapter |
Swuuc-re | Being Discontinued: Discussion and announcement list for religious educators in the Southwest Dist. |
UFETA | Unitarian Universalist Animal Ministry |
UU-Endowment-Fund | Forum for discussion regarding endowment funds. |
UU-Leaders | Sharing information & support among UU lay leaders |
UU-Money | Information Sharing among Society Finance Leaders |
UU-prison-justice | Discussion Forum for UUs Involved in Prison Ministries and Restorative Justice |
Uu-suomi-finland | UUs in Finland - in English Finnish or Swedish |
UUA-List-Owners-Discuss | UUA list managers discussing list management issues |
UUCEF-Investors | A list for UU Common Endowment Fund investors. |
Uuhs-chat | Discussion and Archives of UU History and Historical Research |
UUJA-L | For members of Unitarian Universalists for Jewish Awareness |
Uularge-seniormins | Senior Ministers Serving Large UU Churches |
Uuma-news | Low volume notes to membership on current |
UUMIL | UUMIL is for UUs active in the military |
Uumn-L | Retired discussion list for members of the UU Musicians Network |
Uumn-pro | Retired discussion list for UU music staff |
UUMOC | Unitarian Universalist Ministers of Canada |
UUMPs-l | UU Ministers' Partners (UUMPs) |
Websters | Building and maintaining UU webpages |
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