mailing lists - Admin Links


Below is the collection of publicly-advertised Mailman mailing lists on Click on a list name to visit the configuration pages for that list.To visit the administrators configuration page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. If you have the proper authority, you can also create a new mailing list.

General list information can be found at the mailing list overview page.

(Send questions and comments to

List Description
Access-L Discussion about accessibility; ability and disability issues; ableism
Addictions-Ministry For discussion of Addiction Ministry efforts and accomplishments within our denomination.
BCdist-L Ballou Channing District Electronic Mailing List
Church-admin-uu UU Church Administrators-AUUA Members
CSW-l Learn about and participate in the UUA social witness process
EEP-CWG Discussion list for members of the UU Mass Action Certified Working Group on Economic Equity in Politics
EthicalEating-Network Forum for discussing
Euu-l List for European UU Matters
Faircomp CLOSED List for the District Compensation Consultants
Interim-guild Individuals who are in the Accredited Interim Ministry program of the UUA
LREDA-L Liberal Religious Educators Association Members
Lredasmall For members of LREDA small
Mbd-ministers-L MBD Ministers Unofficial
Memb-l Discussion of UU membership and growth issues
Owl-adult Trained and approved UU facilitators and trainers of OWL Young Adult and Adult.
Owl-child Trained and approved UU facilitators and trainers of OWL K-1/4-6 (Elementary).
Owl-l Trained and approved UU facilitators and trainers of OWL 7-9/10-12 (Secondary).
Pcd-uuma-chat CLOSED: chat list for PCD UU Ministers' Association chapter members
Peacemaking-network Forum on the Creating Peace SOC GA 2010
Policygovernance-l Policy Governance model of board governance in UU congregations
Recredentialing-l Religious Education Credentialing - closed list
sksmstudents Closed List for Currently Enrolled Starr King School for the Ministry Students
Swuuc-lreda LREDA - SWUUC chapter
Swuuc-re Being Discontinued: Discussion and announcement list for religious educators in the Southwest Dist.
UFETA Unitarian Universalist Animal Ministry
UU-Endowment-Fund Forum for discussion regarding endowment funds.
UU-Leaders Sharing information & support among UU lay leaders
UU-Money Information Sharing among Society Finance Leaders
UU-prison-justice Discussion Forum for UUs Involved in Prison Ministries and Restorative Justice
Uu-suomi-finland UUs in Finland - in English Finnish or Swedish
UUA-List-Owners-Discuss UUA list managers discussing list management issues
UUCEF-Investors A list for UU Common Endowment Fund investors.
Uuhs-chat Discussion and Archives of UU History and Historical Research
UUJA-L For members of Unitarian Universalists for Jewish Awareness
Uularge-seniormins Senior Ministers Serving Large UU Churches
Uuma-news Low volume notes to membership on current
UUMIL UUMIL is for UUs active in the military
Uumn-L Retired discussion list for members of the UU Musicians Network
Uumn-pro Retired discussion list for UU music staff
UUMOC Unitarian Universalist Ministers of Canada
UUMPs-l UU Ministers' Partners (UUMPs)
Websters Building and maintaining UU webpages

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